

Children Decorating Frosty, NS-294

$9.60 - $107.50
NS-294 2

This vintage counted cross stitch pattern entitled Children Decorating Frosty designed from a painting by Hilda Lambert shows children putting the finishing touches on a snowman they just made.  Snow is falling in this scene, and the children seem to be enjoying themselves.  Prior to building the snowman, they probably engaged in a snowball fight.  In fact, one of the children has the markings of being hit with a snowball earlier.  Nevertheless, the most important thing is that they all had fun.  Only full cross stitches are used in our patterns. No blended colors are used. We only use an abundance of solid colors as it produces a more realistic effect.

Artist: Hilda Lambert

Stitch Count: 216w x 263h
Fabric: Aida, White

Four approximate finished sizes:
14,16,18 and 22 Count

Final Pattern Sizes:
14 Count, 15-3/8w X 18-3/4h in
16 Count, 13-1/2w X 16-3/8 in
18 Count, 12w X 14-1/2h in  (Kit comes in 18 count size)
22 Count, 9-3/4w X 11-7/8h in


*Please Note: The above dimensions do not include frame or mat.

Number of Colors Used: 58

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