This religious counted cross stitch pattern entitled Mary Magdalene designed from a painting by Philippe de Champaigne shows Mary, a close friend of Jesus, kneeling in prayer at the sight of the crucifixion and Jesus, the Son of God and Savior. She is saddened to see him suffering and now dead and has a moment of reflection of her own life and the need for repentance. Yes, she may be sad that Jesus has died, but she knows the promise Jesus told her and everyone around him about the gift of eternal life and that he will rise again. Mary here appears in green. Her beautiful wavy hair is visible through the veil she is wearing, and her eyes look up to thee. Only full cross stitches are used in our patterns. No blended colors are used. We only use an abundance of solid colors as it produces a more realistic effect.
Artist: Philippe de Champaigne
Stitch Count: 324w x 408h
Fabric: Aida, Antique White
Four approximate finished sizes:
14,16,18 and 22 Count
Final Pattern Sizes: |
14 Count, 23-1/8w X 29-1/8h in |
16 Count, 20-1/4w X 25-1/2h in |
18 Count, 18w X 22-5/8h in (Kit comes in 18 count size) |
22 Count, 14-5/8w X 18-1/2h in |
*Please Note: The above dimensions do not include frame or mat.
Number of Colors Used: 133
What you will receive!!! Our patterns arrive with a color visual photo of finished design, wash and care instructions, handy tips for working the pattern, instruction sheet detailing color of fabric, sizes, a complete color listing including number of skeins to purchase. The pages are safely enclosed in a clear, reclosable polybag.