

Eastern Screech Owl, AA-29

$12.00 - $117.50
AA -29 2
Level of Difficulty:
Level 4 - Challenging

This image is attributed to the following artist entitled: Eastern Screech Owl by Greg Hume/Wikipedia/Creative Commons/CC-BY-SA 3.0

This owl counted cross stitch pattern entitled Eastern Screech Owl shows a small brown attractive owl with engaging large eyes staring intently back at us.  This owl is found in North America, Canada and Mexico.  It is exclusively nocturnal and is most comfortable in mixed deciduous woodland areas and even suburban residential wooded areas.  They are unique because they at times can make a purring noise which lasts 3 to 5 secs.  The Eastern Screech Owl doesn't have a very long lifespan due to predators, but in captivity they have been known to live as long as 20+years.  No blended colors are used in our patterns.  We only use an abundance of solid colors as it produces a more realistic effect.  Only full cross stitches are used in our designs.

Stitch Count: 216w x 270h
Fabric: Aida, White

Four approximate finished sizes:
14,16,18 and 22 Count

Final Pattern Sizes:
14 Count, 15-3/8w X 19-1/4h in
16 Count, 13-1/2w X 16-7/8h in
18 Count, 12w X 15h in  (Kit comes in 18 count size)
22 Count, 9-3/4w X 12-1/4h in


*Please Note: The above dimensions do not include frame or mat.

Number of Colors Used: 76

What you will receive!!! Our patterns arrive with a color visual photo of finished design, wash and care instructions, handy tips for working the pattern, instruction sheet detailing color of fabric, sizes, a complete color listing including number of skeins to purchase. The pages are safely enclosed in a clear, reclosable polybag.